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Overall, it was pretty great! Thank you guys so much for all of the hard work you put into serving us! :)
love that meeting space - especially all the working sound and av equip. great space
Our first ladies retreat was a roaring success and wouldn't have been possible without the excellent support we received from the Pine Creek Camp team! Thank you!
The retreat was lovely and the facilities are great. New dining hall is spectacular!
Everything was amazing! We had everything we needed and more!
I really enjoyed everything, and I know our students did as well!!
LOVED the human Foosball court, that was amazing, and everyone had a wonderful time, there was something for everyone to do and enjoy, on the whole a really wonderful venue!
Most of us did not participate in activities beyond the bonfire, this being a men’s conference. The younger of us that did had a fantastic time.
Overall, it was a great retreat experience! The group looks forward to returning next year!
1794 Back Creek Road,Gore, VA 22637
855-929-PINE (7463)
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